2019 VDF - Ni Rouge Ni Blanc


2019 VDF - Ni Rouge Ni Blanc


Not red, not white: pure Anjou. More grip in the 2019, Chenin’s acidity picking out highlights in the Cab Franc.

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Cuvée: Ni Rouge Ni Blanc

Style: Still

Colour: Red

Grapes/Blend: Grolleau, Chenin

ABV: 12.5%

Vintage: 2019

Winemaking: A blend of whole bunch Grolleau and destemmed Chenin. The tank is filled in three layers: a layer of whole bunch Grolleau, topped with a layer of de-stemmed Chenin, topped with a final layer of whole bunch Grolleau. Maceration for 7-10 days before pressing to fibreglass for 8 months. Bottled in May with no additions.

Sulphur: none added

Soil: Schist